Monday, October 11, 2010

Alternative Cancer Care 2

Today I had a PET scan.  I have to admit there are some pretty remarkable advances in diagnostic medicine.  I want to make it clear that I am not opposed to all forms of allopathic medicine, but I do feel we need to be proactive and informed rather than just trusting the medical profession as "the experts," after all when someone says they practice medicine, often times that is just what they are doing "practicing!" 

Some good books that have given me a lot of information and hope are "The Cancer Answer" by Albert E. Carter,  "Knockout" by Suzanne Somers, as well as "The Only Answer to Cancer" by Dr. Leonard Coldwell. 

Here is part 2 of Alternatives to Cancer Care.  If you missed part 1, click the Blog Archive on the right hand side to get caught up.

Stay tuned for part 3 tomorrow.

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